Facebook Fan Pages are Necessary

If you are a customer or potential customer and don’t have a Facebook fan page, I will suggest making one no matter what. You may laugh and say “Facebook, we don’t need to be on Facebook, its just for pointless socializing”.

Watch this video. The numbers don’t lie.

The most appealing fact I see in that video is when they type into the google search about how consumers trust advertisments/reviews on Facebook. “74% of consumers trust peer reviews” as opposed to “14% that trust advertisments”. So do you still think you shouldn’t be on Facebook? Do you think it will be too much work?

Having a Facebook fan page does not mean you need to update it at all. You can post once a month, once a year, once every 5 years. Whatever fits your schedule. Think of it as a reference point. Think of it as just another way to reach your audience. If it helps, it really just serves purposes similar to a website. My thoughts are why would you ever want to not expose yourself to as many people as possible.

Ok, so hopefully I have convinced you to make a Facebook page. But how? Another time. Soon. I need to go tutor.


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