Post Tags – Make your Sitemap Grow

The blogs we put together using WordPress have a pretty practical categorization structure. Using category options is very beneficial for your site. This is because for each category, your sitemap grows with the number of posts in that category (and you can keep it keyword specific). A larger sitemap is useful for search engines since you will have more pages out there as possibilities for being crawled (when a search engine visits a page and looks at all of the keywords on the page). The larger sitemap helps your SEO.

There are two types of categories to choose from, “Categories” and “Post Tags”. You should see both of these options when writing a new post. I view it this way. “Tags” are specific topic categories while “Categories” should be more general. For example, this post I am using the “Category” titled “Customer Website Tips”. The “Tags” I am using are “seo”, “WordPress”, “web advice”, “blogs”, and “Google”.

When running a blog, you should use this tag/category strategy. You should make sure to not have too many tags or categories and try to make the tags/categories grow in the number of posts that fit those categories. My blog currently has 5 categories and 55 tags. Tags can be more specific so your number of these should be greater than your categories. Not only is this useful for SEO since it grows your sitemap in a keyword friendly manner, it is also useful for your reader since they can easily view all of your sites posts for a specific category (i.e. here is where you could go to only look at SEO posts on my blog).


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