Apple claims trademark infringement against Amazon for using the phrase “App Store”

I have been tweeting all morning about an article I read about Amazon’s new “Android App Store”. The blip towards the bottom is what got me going.

“Another obstacle Amazon will face is a lawsuit Apple filed March 18, which claims that Amazon is improperly using the term “App Store,” which Apple says it has trademarked.”

This quote got me thinking about Economics. I was an Economics and Math major in college. I am always thinking about Economic fairness. This lawsuit filed by Apple has everything to do with the opposite. They want to gain a competitive advantage in the market for apps by saying they coined the word “App Store”. Here are my thoughts on the validity of that lawsuit.

They can’t trademark the word “App” because that has been established as an abbrevation for the word application long before computers. People were sending in “Job Apps” and “College Apps” for as long as the word “Application” has been around. It is human nature to abbreviate a word so easy to abbreviate. We all know they didn’t invent the word “Store”. But apparently they invented the combination of the two words.

That is a joke in my opinion. An “App” is a product. A store is a place to sell a product. This would be like saying the first store to sell shoes and use the word “Shoe Store” should be allowed to trademark it. After all, shoes are the product they are selling in the store.

This discussion can get political but really think about what is fair. Economics teaches us that competition is good for the market place. Monopolies or businesses that are near monopoly status are bad. Competition is good because when the market is competitive it leads to a diverse offering of products and fair prices. Apples attempt at trademarking the phrase “App Store” is all an attempt to gain a seemingly bogus competitive advantage. You can’t get mad at them for doing it, but it isn’t fair to us, the consumer.

So taking away competition from the market is bad. Apple regulates their “App Store” in case you didn’t know. I know stories of frustrations with Apple in regards to apps. Stories involing some apps being approved and some not being approved or taking way longer to be approved that were coded the exact same way. Do we really want our phone apps coming from one place? And to add to that a place that regulates?

I’d like to add that I love Mac OSX and use Apple devices as a computer, mp3 player and phone. They still have the best quality and just need to keep focusing on that. Not pointless, waste of money lawsuits.


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