Article Submissions – Another SEO Necessity

Article submissions are yet another way blogging can be useful for search engine optimization. An article submission is when you write an article on your blog and then submit a link to the post on an article directory site. Ezine Articles is an example of one. Here is how they are useful.

Article directory sites post articles from all over the web for people looking for articles on specific categories to link to on their blog. People looking for quality, enlightening content may look through one of these sites and decide to link to an article you submit. These are useful for SEO backlinks and for general promotion purposes of reaching audiences you would not of reached otherwise. Article submissions are useful for generating new traffic, but does that mean you should just start submitting every article you write on your blog to these sites?

When trying to properly execute an article submission game plan, it is important to be careful when choosing which articles to submit. First, don’t just spam these sites with your articles. The good sites will notice, and the good users will notice when you are not posting quality content. Choose your blog posts that you feel are your most interesting, insightful, and unique. In addition to this, I do think one “spaming-like” tactic is smart. This tactic is to submit to all of the good article submission sites when you know which article you want to submit. There are tons of these article submission sites (some useful, some not).

We always offer to advise you on the article submission side of your SEO or to do the article submissions for you or your business. Contact us today to discuss a web SEO plan that suites you!


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