How do I have fun on a computer again?

From an addicting computer game to discovering new music on the web, I was hooked from day one of installing an old version of “Sim City” on my dad’s desktop PC. As a kid, everything seemed so much fun on the computer, and I just couldn’t log off.

But recently, I’ve had some issues. Even as of a year ago, I was using computers for recreation, addicted to how the Internet helped fuel my hobbies like music, sports and films. Now my use of the Internet is different.

Ever since I dove into this web stuff, the way I use a computer has evolved. A couple months ago, my friend showed me a leak of the new Kanye West album, one of my favorite artists (not person – even though I don’t know him so who am I to judge?), and while listening I thought, “I need to get this.” But now, my priorities are totally different, and my mind wanders to web design every time I’m on a computer.

I both hate and love this. I did pick up the new Kanye album, but not nearly as quickly as I would have. Instead, I used that time to make php files, spreadsheets, and websites.

I wonder to myself: Does this mean I am not having fun anymore? I think the answer is not an absolute one. I’d probably be having more fun playing computer games and downloading music, but I find a different type of fun from web design projects. Each project is full of tiny problems, and I love problem solving. There is that satisfaction of coming up with the right solution.

I guess this is similar to the satisfaction one would receive from getting their World of Warcraft character up to level 80 or from having the new Kanye leak to show off to your friends. In my case, the satisfaction and fun from making a website outweighs the satisfaction and fun of having the new Kanye album. It is like my own personal Internet utility function if you are an economics nerd like I am.

So am I having fun? Sure, why not? Fun can come in many different forms. It is finding the forms that work for you that matters.


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