Google Analytics – Another great SEO tool

We prefer setting up your site on Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a web traffic reporting tool developed by Google. It is loaded with features and has a very simple interface for analyzing your traffic.

Analyzing web traffic can be useful for more than the obvious monitoring your site purposes. One incredibly useful purpose is for SEO. With Google Analytics, you can easily see how much traffic you are generating from search engines. You do this from your main Analytics screen by navigation to “Traffic Sources>>Search Engines”. Once here you will see a break down of your hits from all of the search engines. Clicking on the search engine will then give you a list of all the search terms giving you these search results.

This is great for analyzing SEO. You can easily see which keywords are doing well. In addition, you can check to see if any keywords you wish to have be hits are on the list through a simple search.

Understanding your site in this manner is an important step in the constant research that is involved for proper search engine optimization.


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