Nintendo Wii 2 – A spin off on the iPad?

I read an interesting article on this morning about reports of Nintendo’s follow up gaming console to the Wii having a touch screen in the controller. This idea sounds fascinating and at the same time brings on a world of possibilities. The last paragraph (the last sentence particularly) I found to be the most thought provoking.

“We don’t yet know what Project Cafe will let users do with this reported screen-in-a-controller. Will it be used like Four Swords, to give players their own view of a given situation? Like Pokémon Battle Revolution, as a controller? Or like iPad, putting the entirety of the game onto your own personal screen instead of the television?

I am a video game nerd. I play less now than when I was younger, but I will still always find time to occasionally pick up the sticks. Enjoying playing video games with friends, I have always found multiplayer gaming to be a fun experience, but I also like to play solo games, and even casino games at this pokie spins login to make some money online. The last (iPad screen) possibility would be revolutionary for in-house multiplayer gaming. It would eliminate the need to have 4 player games all on one TV. Online multiplayer games where you have to take turns with your friends (thinking Call of Duty) would improve drastically. Personal gaming screens would make playing four player Mario Kart four times better, looking the same as a one player game of Mario Kart.

Lets cross our fingers this is happening. Then quality virtual gaming in 3D like in these new games which will allow you to legal start sports betting in kentucky. Then becoming one with the machine like in the movie “Tron”. Technology can be unbelievable.


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