SEO Blogging – Interlink your posts to increase crawl rate

Blogging is a practical way to make your sitemap grow. Blogging is useful for SEO because it tells search engines that your site has changing content, and it gives the search engines more pages to crawl.

If you are blogging, there are other methods for helping SEO besides just writing about topics related to your site. One simple method is to link to older posts in your post.

By trying to reference a couple old posts and linking to them in a post, you should increase the number of crawls your pages receive. When search engine bots crawl a page and see a link without “rel=’nofollow'” in the anchor tag, it will follow the link to the related post. Linking will cause both pages to be crawled, increasing the number of crawls to that page. This increased crawling is the same reason why link exchanges are practical for SEO.

When linking, make sure to link to other posts that tie into the article content. Search engines are looking for quality content, and search engines will keep evolving to make sure of quality search results. We advise against any sort of spamming tactics.

Give us a call today to talk about an SEO solution that works best for your web needs.


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