Best Text Editors for Web Development

I love the Mac OSX. Hot corners for organizing work flow makes me think the developers of it must of done research on the normal human brain. When I am working on something on my Mac and want to go check out something I was working on a couple hours ago, I just throw my mouse into the top-right corner. I was amazed the first time I started using this (was a Windows person up until recently).

That being said, I still think Windows and Microsoft wins when it comes to text-editors. This is because of Notepad++. Notepad++ accomplishes what a couple programs accomplish for me on a Mac. Its that great with its list of features.

One example is the FTP window. You can FTP to any server directly from Notepad++. Once you set up an FTP location, just choose a file, edit it and then save. When it saves it automatically uploads directly back to the server and overwrites the old file. This is a remarkable find for a web developer (who actually codes).

Because of Notepad++, I usually work with two computers at all times. One my laptop with Notepad++ open and one my Mac where I do most of my research and work, just not code editing for the most part.

I hope this blog post gets some notice and convinces someone who loves Mac to develop the equivalent to Notepad++. Or for someone to show me the equivalent.

  1. Feb 22, 2011



    got the tip on twitter.. “@goramsgalin you should check out Panic’s Coda and Transmit, best FTP & coding apps around, hands down. You’ll send notepad++ away for good”


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