Web Issues with Flash

Back in May 2010, my now business partner in personal ventures, Jon Krane, showed me his idea for what to put up on BoredRoulette.com. I saw it and liked what I saw as far as a starter for an idea, but was laughing at the design of the site. Jon had taken the name BoredRoulette literally, thinking what do I do when I am bored on the internet. I’m assuming one of his first thoughts was “YouTube”. What he decided to do was post his favorite YouTube videos through a blog.

This was actually pretty cool in my opinion. I hate looking for stuff to watch on YouTube but love being entertained by the videos. Jon had solved that by choosing which videos for me to watch. I liked the idea of having a high-quality list of videos to watch from YouTube.

Once I started looking at the design more closely, I noticed an issue. FLASH!

Never put too many flash animated things on one webpage. I love some of the things flash does and accomplishes, but it is a resource hog. By resource hog I mean this: Too much flash can be too much for your browser or computer and slow things down.

This slowing down your computer is the main reason people have issues with flash. I’m so tired of seeing Steve Jobs v. Adobe (Where is the name of the guy who owns Adobe?). It has nothing to do with Apple. The issues all lie in Flash’s memory inefficiencies. Because of this, we strive to use as little flash as possible in our designs, looking for solutions through Javascript and HTML simplicity as oppposed to something flashy that may look neat but is really the main reason your page may load slowly.

The main thought behind this is, “why would I want to slow down my site?”. This is the exact thought that came to my head when I saw my friend Jon’s initial BoredRoulette design. WHY? His site consisted of about 50 flash YouTube videos on one page, which was just disastrous for load time.

If you go to BoredRoulette now, you will notice it no longer looks this way. Maybe you can kill some time with the site!


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