Future Google Chrome +1 Extension – Does this mean social SEO??

Google leaked a pretty interesting browser extension (possibly accidental) in a televised Google Chrome commercial yesterday. In the commercial, there is a short glimpse of a button no one has ever seen in the top part of the user’s chrome browser. It is seemingly a way to rank pages in a social manner with Google, similarly to facebook like/share, tweeting a page or stumbling a page through stumbleupon.

Since I am always thinking SEO, I started thinking about SEO and how the button could effect SEO (since Google is the number one search engine and used site on the Internet).

This extension has a lot of potential for SEO in which is also necessary to have a proper setting for the Online Safety for your Business. With these kind of statistics, Google could start attempting all sorts of unique new search result strategies. For example, user specific search results. What if everyone’s search results were different? With this kind of data, they could use the statistics to manage such a feat. Or what if these rankings became part of their search engine algorithm, adding a social tie-in to how you get to the top of search results?

What do these possibilities mean? Get social online if you want to compete online. Social networking is changing the Internet. It will not be going away anytime soon.

GPM Web Solutions offers management of your social networking or SEO needs. Contact us today to talk more.


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