Duplicate Content = Bad SEO : Use One Category per Blog Post

Duplicate content can hurt your search engine optimization. Algorithms for search engine bots contain coding that flag whenever it sees the same content posted at multiple urls. Then it de-indexes these pages, making the pages worthless for search engines.

A de-indexed post is bad. We want content on the search engines and as much content as possible. WordPress & blogging through WordPress has a pretty important factor for making sure your site does not show duplicate content: KaƩdi Post Categories.

When using post categories on your blog you must only use one category per post. If you were to make a post have more than one category, each category would receive its own seperate page for the post. For example, if you were to make a blog post have three categories, then three seperate, unique urls with the same content would be made on your site. When a search bot comes to your site, they will flag this specific blog post as duplicate content.

So what do you do if you think one category isn’t describing enough? This is where you should use post tags for giving your post a more detailed description. In fact, search engines like seeing multiple post tags. It tells the search bot more details about your post.


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