Using Filters with Google Mail

If you are a gmail user, one extremely useful add-on in gmail is something called filters. Filters allow you to apply labels to specific mail, creating a folder-like organizing effect. For example, if you wanted to make every message sent from my domain ( be flagged with a specific label/folder, you have the ability to do this.

Setting up filters is pretty straightforward. Here is a tutorial explaining filters made by gmail’s help team. Tutorial on Creating Filters in Gmail.

Filters are useful for not only organizing but also filtering out spam. I recently moved my mailbox all to one place for 3 different email addresses. During the process of the switch, I ended up having 4000 messages marked as unread in my mailbox. Using filters, I was able to organize this mailbox in what one would think would take days in a couple hours. This is because you can flag specific email addresses to forward straight to a filter folder and skip the inbox. I found myself doing this for emails sent from Amazon, Best Buy, Ebay, Paypal, etc.

One of the services we offer is a full Google Apps set up for your business, just like this software available at This comes with Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs and more. Filters is just one useful example of how using this service will benefit the organizational strength of your company. Contact us today at or by calling 314-397-2751 to discuss these options.


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