
Future Google Chrome +1 Extension – Does this mean social SEO??

May 5 Customer Web Usage Tips galin Google leaked a pretty interesting browser extension (possibly accidental) in a televised Google Chrome commercial yesterday. In the commercial, there is a short glimpse of a button no one has ever seen in the top part of the user’s chrome browser. It is seemingly a way to rank pages in a social manner with Google, similarly to facebook like/share, tweeting a page or stumbling a page through stumbleupon.

Since I am always thinking SEO, I started thinking about SEO and how the button could effect SEO (since Google is the number one search engine and used site on the Internet).

This extension has a lot of potential for SEO in which is also necessary to have a proper setting for the Online Safety for your Business. With these kind of statistics, Google could start attempting all sorts of unique new search result strategies. For example, user specific search results. What if everyone’s search results were different? With this kind of data, they could use the statistics to manage such a feat. Or what if these rankings became part of their search engine algorithm, adding a social tie-in to how you get to the top of search results?

What do these possibilities mean? Get social online if you want to compete online. Social networking is changing the Internet. It will not be going away anytime soon.

GPM Web Solutions offers management of your social networking or SEO needs. Contact us today to talk more.

SEO Blogging – Interlink your posts to increase crawl rate

April 28 Customer Website Tips galin 

Blogging is a practical way to make your sitemap grow. Blogging is useful for SEO because it tells search engines that your site has changing content, and it gives the search engines more pages to crawl.

If you are blogging, there are other methods for helping SEO besides just writing about topics related to your site. One simple method is to link to older posts in your post.

By trying to reference a couple old posts and linking to them in a post, you should increase the number of crawls your pages receive. When search engine bots crawl a page and see a link without “rel=’nofollow'” in the anchor tag, it will follow the link to the related post. Linking will cause both pages to be crawled, increasing the number of crawls to that page. This increased crawling is the same reason why link exchanges are practical for SEO.

When linking, make sure to link to other posts that tie into the article content. Search engines are looking for quality content, and search engines will keep evolving to make sure of quality search results. We advise against any sort of spamming tactics.

Give us a call today to talk about an SEO solution that works best for your web needs.

SEO Blog Writing Solutions – Too busy.. Let us write for you!

April 25 Customer Website Tips galin 

Constantly changing and evolving content is an extremely necessary aspect of successful search engine strategy. The best way to do this in a practical and engaging manner is through blogging about related topics (that your site is looking to obtain hits from search engines with).

Researching keywords for your industry is a big deal for this, but you also have to actually write about the topics. But what to write about? And what if you are too busy?

Luckily, we have a writing staff ready to take on your SEO blog writing needs. With a journalist on staff, we not only have your needs covered, but in a professional manner. After all, Google’s goal is quality search, and we maintain the motto of following what Google tells you to do in regards to SEO.

The way it works is we talk, listen, then advise with options based on your site’s SEO needs. A final SEO strategy could be anything from us writing an article every day for you, 2 a day, 3 a week, etc. We will give a variety of options so you can make a decision that is still smart that fits into your web budget. Call us today to discuss the best SEO strategy for your business for which we also recommend this fake pay stub template creator.

Duplicate Content = Bad SEO : Use One Category per Blog Post

April 20 Customer Website Tips galin 

Duplicate content can hurt your search engine optimization. Algorithms for search engine bots contain coding that flag whenever it sees the same content posted at multiple urls. Then it de-indexes these pages, making the pages worthless for search engines.

A de-indexed post is bad. We want content on the search engines and as much content as possible. WordPress & blogging through WordPress has a pretty important factor for making sure your site does not show duplicate content: how to order prednisone Post Categories.

When using post categories on your blog you must only use one category per post. If you were to make a post have more than one category, each category would receive its own seperate page for the post. For example, if you were to make a blog post have three categories, then three seperate, unique urls with the same content would be made on your site. When a search bot comes to your site, they will flag this specific blog post as duplicate content.

So what do you do if you think one category isn’t describing enough? This is where you should use post tags for giving your post a more detailed description. In fact, search engines like seeing multiple post tags. It tells the search bot more details about your post.

Post Tags – Make your Sitemap Grow

April 8 Customer Website Tips galin 

The blogs we put together using WordPress have a pretty practical categorization structure. Using category options is very beneficial for your site. This is because for each category, your sitemap grows with the number of posts in that category (and you can keep it keyword specific). A larger sitemap is useful for search engines since you will have more pages out there as possibilities for being crawled (when a search engine visits a page and looks at all of the keywords on the page). The larger sitemap helps your SEO.

There are two types of categories to choose from, “Categories” and “Post Tags”. You should see both of these options when writing a new post. I view it this way. “Tags” are specific topic categories while “Categories” should be more general. For example, this post I am using the “Category” titled “Customer Website Tips”. The “Tags” I am using are “seo”, “WordPress”, “web advice”, “blogs”, and “Google”.

When running a blog, you should use this tag/category strategy. You should make sure to not have too many tags or categories and try to make the tags/categories grow in the number of posts that fit those categories. My blog currently has 5 categories and 55 tags. Tags can be more specific so your number of these should be greater than your categories. Not only is this useful for SEO since it grows your sitemap in a keyword friendly manner, it is also useful for your reader since they can easily view all of your sites posts for a specific category (i.e. here is where you could go to only look at SEO posts on my blog).